Florida Power & Light has completed the development of posters for its nine bulk oil storage facilities that graphically illustrate various site characteristics important in preparing and responding to an oil spill event. Initiated in 2001, the large three-by-five foot size posters provide extensive and valuable information in a concise visual format that minimizes the necessity to utilize numerous support documents. The posters incorporate oil storage facility area information including environmentally sensitive areas, shoreline types, bathymetry, currents, area infrastructure (roads, pipelines), digital and ortho-photos, and historical wind conditions. In addition, the posters provide oil spill preparedness maps using stochastic results (multi-trajectory runs) from FPUs SIMAP oil spill model. These consolidated maps show potential oil impact areas and dissolved aromatic concentration plumes over various timeframes from the beginning of the spill. Booming strategy and equipment deployment site maps are additional items. Finally, the posters provide important graphical and textual information concerning Incident Command System (ICS) strategic objectives, organizational chart, spill response contacts and phone numbers, and tide data.