A pipeline spill of 126,000 gallons of a mixture of No. 6 and No. 2 fuel oils into the Patuxent River on 7 April 2000 affected over-wintering waterfowl, resident birds, and diamondback terrapins, as well as intertidal habitats, fish and shellfish, benthic habitats, and muskrats. The final estimate of bird impacts was the sum of the numbers of birds collected dead, dying in rehabilitation, and estimated to have died after release and in the field. The result was an estimated 495 total birds killed, with 67 known dead. The total terrapin mortality was estimated by projecting: a) the number of terrapin-years lost from mortality of adults and juveniles killed directly (estimated to be 122 animals) by the spill, b) the estimated number of young that would have been born and survived to adults from those directly killed, and c) increased hatchling mortality. The final estimate of direct terrapin mortality was 616 lost discounted terrapin-years (DTYs), while lost production from the next generation contributed 3,793 lost DTYs. The loss due to increased hatchling mortality was 836 DTYs. The total injury to Patuxent River diamondback terrapins was estimated to be a loss of 5,245 DTYs.