As observed in several recent cases (e.g., DBL-152, Enbridge-Kalamazoo), under certain circumstances, spilled oil can sink to the bottom of a water body. Once on the bottom, the oil can move or even remobilize into the water column. The critical shear stress (CSS) is used to accurately predict the movement of sunken oil along and off the bottom. Unfortunately, shear stress has only been measured for one sunken oil (Hibernian Crude API = 34). The Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC) at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) has an annular flume equipped with high-definition cameras and an acoustic velocimeter that can be used to estimate CSS by measuring the instantaneous, three-dimensional water current velocities at which sunken oils move and erode as visible oil droplets. The results reported are for an Alberta bitumen, tested at temperatures between 5° and 28°C in freshwater.
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May 01 2014
Critical Shear Stresses of Sunken Oils
Charles Watkins;
Charles Watkins
University of New Hampshire, [email protected]
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Olivia Jobin;
Olivia Jobin
University of New Hampshire, [email protected]
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Nancy Kinner, PhD;
Nancy Kinner, PhD
University of New Hampshire, [email protected]
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Thomas Ballestero, PhD;
Thomas Ballestero, PhD
University of New Hampshire, [email protected]
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International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings (2014) 2014 (1): 300241.
Charles Watkins, Olivia Jobin, Nancy Kinner, Thomas Ballestero, Neil W. Thomas, Robert Nothnagle; Critical Shear Stresses of Sunken Oils. International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 1 May 2014; 2014 (1): 300241. doi:
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