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About the International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC)

Since 1969, IOSC has sought to discuss the dimensions of oil spills, discover and improve upon oil spill response techniques, while reviewing research and development efforts from global entities (government, industry, service sector). Each IOSC is built upon extensive planning by dedicated sponsors and members of government, industry, academia, and non-governmental organizations from around the world. Seven permanent sponsoring organizations manage IOSC through an Executive Committee.

Triennial Rotation

IOSC (North America) is held on a three-year cycle in conjunction with Interspill (Europe) and Spillcon (Australia). The triennial alignment enhances regional and global knowledge-sharing capability and provides greater resources for addressing global oil spill issues. The conferences also provide a unique opportunity for members of industry, government and the service sector to catch up on all major developments in the field and interact with the most knowledgeable people tied to those activities.

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