Accuracy of the ICAGEN-Targeta progesterone enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test kit to measure plasma progesterone was compared to that of radioimmunoassay (RIA) in 166 canine samples. Overall agreement of ICAGEN-Target ELISA and RIA was 85% (141/166). Agreement of ELISA and RIA at high (5 ng/ml or greater), medium (greater than 1 ng/ml, less than 5 ng/ml), and low (0 to 1 ng/ml) plasma progesterone concentrations was 96% (72/75), 73% (19/26), and 77% (50/65), respectively. Use of whole blood resulted in unreliable progesterone concentration results by ELISA when compared to plasma progesterone concentrations measured by RIA (n = 140). Use of this ELISA test kit to determine canine ovulation date should start within three to four days after onset of proestrus and continue every other day until the first detection of medium concentrations (greater than 1 ng/ml, less than 5 ng/ml). Daily plasma testing during the time of transition from medium to high (5 ng/ml or greater) concentrations was essential for determining ovulation date. The second or third day after the first appearance of high plasma progesterone concentrations using this kit should be the day of breeding for optimal reproductive performance.

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