Records of 48 dogs (57 eyes) that underwent intracapsular lens extraction (ICLE) of displaced lenses were reviewed. Preoperatively, 73% (19/26 eyes) of eyes with anterior luxations had secondary glaucoma compared to 43% (10/23 eyes) with subluxations and 38% (3/8 eyes) with posterior luxations. Forty-one of 57 eyes (72%) had vision and intraocular pressure (IOP) less than 30 mm Hg four to six weeks after surgery. This percentage declined to 61% (22/36 eyes) in three months and 53% (8/15 eyes) in 12 months. Eyes with glaucoma before ICLE had a lower success rate (66%) than eyes without (82%). Since secondary glaucoma was the most common cause of failure, this study suggests that removal of a subluxated lens or a posteriorly luxated lens should be recommended before the lens moves into the anterior chamber.

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