Sacral fractures have not been described well in dogs. The records of 32 dogs diagnosed with sacral fractures were evaluated for neurologic deficits at presentation and discharge. Follow-up was in the form of telephone survey or physical examination at recheck. A score was assigned for each dog at presentation, discharge, and follow-up (0 for normal, 1 for minor deficits, and 2 for major deficits). Fractures located lateral to the sacral foramina were called abaxial, and those medial to the sacral foramina were called axial. Axial fractures had significantly more severe deficits at presentation (p = 0.00017) and discharge (p = 0.03063), but not at follow-up. Neurologic status did not improve significantly during hospitalization in either fracture group, but had improved significantly at follow-up.
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1 March 1995
March 01 1995
CA Kuntz, D Waldron, RA Martin, PK Shires, M Moon, L Shell; Sacral fractures in dogs: a review of 32 cases. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 March 1995; 31 (2): 142–150. doi:
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