A five-month-old, male Brazilian fila presented with a three-day history of a focal swelling in the left superior palpebra and a focal, subcutaneous swelling over the dorsal cervical region. Both lesions initially responded to warm compresses and a two-week course of oral amoxicillin-clavulanic acid therapy. The eyelid swelling recurred after discontinuation of the oral antibiotic therapy. The lesion was progressive and was refractory to trimethoprim-sulfadiazine therapy. Culture and sensitivity performed from a surgical biopsy sample of the eyelid mass identified Actinomyces viscosus and other bacterial genera. A combination of surgical debulkment, Penrose drain placement, and a one-month course of oral oxacillin therapy has resulted in clinical regression of the lesion at a six-month postoperative evaluation.

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