A single surgical approach was developed to provide exposure for excisional biopsy of lymph nodes with afferent drainage of the head. The procedure was performed in six, fresh, canine cadavers and three canine patients diagnosed with neoplasia of the head. The relatively short, oblique incision and subsequent deeper dissection allowed surgical access to the three principal lymphocentrums with afferents from the head. There was no clinical evidence of negative side effects in patients receiving this surgery for lymph node staging. Histopathological evidence of metastasis was observed in at least one of the three lymphocentrums evaluated. Interestingly, lymph nodes (parotid and medial retropharyngeal) which would have been considered difficult to evaluate by fine-needle aspiration provided useful diagnostic and prognostic information. Based on the results of this study, the ipsilateral parotid, mandibular, and medial retropharyngeal lymph nodes may be excised through a single incision in a safe and effective manner.

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