Changes in complete blood count (CBC), bone marrow, reticulocyte count, coagulation profile, biochemical analysis, and serum iron, transferrin, and immunoglobulin M (IgM) concentrations were measured three and 10 days after splenectomy in 12 dogs. Spleens were cultured aerobically for bacteria and submitted for histopathological evaluation in 23 dogs undergoing splenectomy. There were no consistent changes in red blood cell (RBC), white blood cell (WBC), or platelet counts; bone-marrow samples; or biochemical profiles. Serum iron, transferrin, and IgM concentrations remained normal. Eight (35%) bacterial cultures yielded growth. Five of the 23 dogs had pyrexic episodes two-to-five days after surgery. In contrast to previous reports done on healthy dogs, this study shows that dogs with splenic disease have no characteristic changes in hematological or biochemical parameters after splenectomy. Rather, the changes tended to reflect the primary disease process. Splenic vascular compromise or a decrease in processing of bacteria may have resulted in the bacterial growth. There was no direct correlation to pyrexic postoperative episodes.
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1 May 1996
May 01 1996
Hematological and biochemical changes and results of aerobic bacteriological culturing in dogs undergoing splenectomy
J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (1996) 32 (3): 199–210.
EF Richardson, NO Brown; Hematological and biochemical changes and results of aerobic bacteriological culturing in dogs undergoing splenectomy. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 May 1996; 32 (3): 199–210. doi:
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