An alternative method for external coaptation of fractures in young animals utilizes tongue depressors incorporated in a bandage consisting of a thick layer of cotton padding, gauze bandaging, and adhesive tape. This method was used in 13 cases with fractures of the tibia or the radius and ulna, some of which were open. Five cases (four dogs and a cat) had displaced fractures, and eight cases had either nondisplaced or only mildly displaced fractures. Size of the animal was not considered a limiting factor. Bandages were examined periodically. All fractures healed uneventfully, and the splints were removed 21-to-44 days after application. This method of external coaptation proved to be easy to apply and modify during the healing process and was applicable to a wide variety of fractures with good results.
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1 November 1996
November 01 1996
Semirigid external fixation for repair of fractures in young animals
J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (1996) 32 (6): 521–526.
MH Shamir, R Shahar, DE Johnston; Semirigid external fixation for repair of fractures in young animals. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 November 1996; 32 (6): 521–526. doi:
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