Several canine weight loss protocols were evaluated to determine their relative safety and efficacy. Dogs were fed 100%, 75%, 60%, or 50% of maintenance energy requirements (MERs) using the dogs' target body weights. No indications of adverse health effects were observed with any weight loss protocol. Triiodothyronine (T3) levels and apparent MERs decreased in dogs restricted to 50% to 60% of their MERs. The rate of weight loss was correlated linearly with degree of calorie restriction, although there was considerable individual variation. Percent overweight by the end of the test was not different between protocol groups for dogs fed 50%, 60%, or 75% of MERs. Therefore, any of the protocols tested in this study may be used in the management of overweight dogs; however, individual responses will be expected to vary, and severe calorie restriction may predispose dogs to weight rebound.

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