The medical records of 13 dogs (10 spayed females, one intact male, one castrated male, and one dog of unknown gender) with histopathologically diagnosed thyroid carcinoma that were treated with cisplatin chemotherapy were reviewed. The mean age was 10.6 years. Three of the dogs were beagles. One dog had a c-cell medullary carcinoma, while the remaining 12 had follicular thyroid carcinoma. Eight of 13 dogs had tumors greater than 5 cm in diameter. In all 11 tumors for which information was available in the medical record, the masses were attached to underlying tissue. One dog underwent a complete remission, six had partial remissions, three had stable disease, and three had progressive disease. The mean time between initiation of cisplatin chemotherapy and development of progressive disease was 223.7 days (median, 202 days), with a mean survival time of 191.8 days (median, 98 days).

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