A six-year-old, spayed female Shetland sheepdog was presented with acute onset of anorexia and vomiting. An inflammatory leukogram and elevated serum amylase, lipase, alkaline phosphatase, alanine transferase, and triglycerides supported a diagnosis of severe acute pancreatitis. An enlarged, hypoechoic pancreas was visualized on abdominal ultrasonography. The patient clinically responded to medical therapy consisting of nothing per os, total parenteral nutrition, and supportive care. She presented again three weeks later with anorexia and vomiting. A large, anechoic mass was seen in the left limb of the pancreas on ultrasonographic examination of the abdomen. Differentials for this mass included abscess, focal peritonitis, and pancreatic pseudocyst. Clinical signs resolved with supportive care. The mass failed to resolve. Sterile fluid (35 ml) was removed via ultrasonographic-guided centesis 42 days after initial presentation. Ultrasonographic appearance, biochemical analyses, and fluid examination with negative cultures suggested pancreatic pseudocyst. The pseudocyst gradually resolved over the next seven months postcentesis.

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