A new jejunostomy tube placement technique is described and compared to traditional methods. The interlocking box technique was compared to a simple purse-string with jejunopexy and an inverting serosal tunnel (Witzel technique) with jejunopexy. Procedures performed in fresh canine cadavers were fluid pressure tested following tube removal. Mean+/-standard deviation (SD) intraluminal pressure necessary to induce leakage at the jejunopexy site of the interlocking box group (87.63+/-40.56 cm H2O) was significantly greater (p less than 0.001) than the simple purse-string (43.17+/-31.69 cm H2O) and serosal tunnel (46.33+/-23.60 cm H2O) groups. Significant differences were not identified between the latter groups. The interlocking box technique resisted leakage following acute removal better than conventional techniques and should be tested clinically.

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