A 12-month-old, spayed female German shepherd dog was referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital for repair of a diaphragmatic hernia. Abdominal exploration revealed an intact diaphragm, but thoracic exploration revealed a large mass originating from the diaphragm. Resection of the mass was incomplete and required reconstruction of the diaphragm. On histopathology, the mass was composed mainly of spindle-shaped cells with occasional areas of osseous and chondroid tissue. The tumor was diagnosed as a peripheral nerve sheath tumor (PNST) with chondro-osseous differentiation. The dog was released four days after surgery; however, she began having difficulty breathing seven days after discharge, and the owners elected euthanasia. A necropsy was not performed. This is the first known report of a PNST originating in the diaphragm of a dog.

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