Three Doberman pinschers were presented on emergency referral for progressive neurological deficits. All three dogs had a similar onset of clinical signs associated with an apparently minor traumatic event. Each dog progressed to significant neurological dysfunction including paraplegia, tetraplegia, and/or loss of deep pain sensation. None of the animals was apparently affected by cervical vertebral instability ("Wobbler's Syndrome"). All were confirmed to have von Willebrand's disease. In all cases, significant epidural hemorrhage was identified. The etiology of each hemorrhage, however, was different for each animal. The cases presented here demonstrate a potential relationship between neurological deficits and the patient's ability to effectively coagulate blood. Hemostatic abnormalities, such as von Willebrand's disease, should be included as possible differential diagnoses or contributing factors in animals demonstrating neurological deficits. These abnormalities should especially be considered following trauma, intervertebral disk extrusion, or spinal surgery.

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