Spontaneous bilateral coxofemoral luxations and their clinical managements are described in four dogs. Luxations in each case occurred while the patient was in a controlled environment with no possibility of trauma. While all cases had bilateral luxations, the luxations occurred in a staged fashion in two of the four cases. Treatment varied with each case, but included closed reduction, triple pelvic osteotomy, prosthetic capsulorrhaphy, toggle pin, ischioilial pinning, total hip replacement, and femoral head and neck ostectomy. Other than femoral head and neck ostectomy, results were uniformly poor, with reluxation being the most common complication. Evidence of pre-existing degenerative changes was minimal, particularly considering the ages of the patients (range, three to 12 yrs). Histopathological evaluation of joint capsules, round ligaments, and femoral heads are warranted in future cases.

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