A retrospective study evaluated cases of feline esophageal dysfunction. Cats identified had contrast esophagrams performed during a six-year period. Of 56 cases undergoing esophagography, 51 had complete records available for review. Forty-four cases were felt to be abnormal and were included in the study. Cases were analyzed for signalment, presenting complaints, and identifiable causes of abnormal esophageal motility. Response to treatment and case outcome were also reviewed. The signalment of the cases varied widely, especially in age. The occurrence of esophageal motility dysfunction was low, comprising only 0.05% of all feline cases seen in a six-year period. Forty-three percent of cases were considered idiopathic, and 57% were congenital or diagnosed with conditions known to cause esophageal motility dysfunction. The causative disease states included myasthenia gravis, mediastinal masses, vascular ring anomalies, dysautonomia, and esophageal stricture. Seventy-eight percent of those treated with medical therapy (i.e., combinations of sucralfate, H2 receptor antagonists, and either metoclopramide or cisapride) showed clinical improvement.

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