The biomechanical contribution of the interfragmentary Kirschner wire as a component of composite fixation for acetabular fracture repair was subjectively and objectively evaluated. Acetabular osteotomies were repaired using the screw/wire/polymethylmethacrylate (SWP) composite fixation with or without one of three configurations of Kirschner wire in 32 hemipelves obtained from 16 dogs. Reduction, assessed objectively and subjectively, was unaffected by Kirschner wire placement. Hemipelves repaired with Kirschner wire(s) were subjectively more stable prior to application of polymethylmethacrylate when manually assessed in multiple planes. Consistent incremental increases in stiffness, yield load, and maximum load sustained that were observed during biomechanical testing were not significant, with the exception that hemipelves repaired with two Kirschner wires had significantly greater yield loads than hemipelves repaired without Kirschner wires. The subjective results of this study support the use of at least one interfragmentary Kirschner wire to maintain reduction prior to polymethylmethacrylate application; however, fracture configuration and location may dictate the number and pattern of interfragmentary Kirschner wires used to maintain reduction prior to application of the polymethylmethacrylate. The objective results and observations made during biomechanical testing suggest that use of one or more interfragmentary Kirschner wires may enhance stability after polymethylmethacrylate application.
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September/October 2000
September 01 2000
Evaluation of four interfragmentary Kirschner wire configurations as a component of screw/wire/polymethylmethacrylate fixation for acetabular fractures in dogs
J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2000) 36 (5): 456–462.
DP Beaver, DD Lewis, OI Lanz, JB Madison, PS Kubilis; Evaluation of four interfragmentary Kirschner wire configurations as a component of screw/wire/polymethylmethacrylate fixation for acetabular fractures in dogs. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 September 2000; 36 (5): 456–462. doi:
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