A 7-month-old, female English cocker spaniel was examined because of a complaint of urinary incontinence. Excretory urography revealed a small right kidney and right-sided hydroureter, ectopic ureter, and ureterocele. Ureteronephrectomy and ovariohysterectomy were performed, but the distal ureter and ureterocele were left in situ. Recurrent urinary tract infections and intermittent urinary incontinence persisted after surgery. Vaginourethrography demonstrated the presence of a urethral diverticulum associated with the ureterocele. Ureterocelectomy was performed, and the dog remains continent 4 years after ureterocelectomy. Persistent urinary incontinence and urinary tract infection were attributed to failure to resect the ureterocele.
Copyright 2002 by The American Animal Hospital Association
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