Twenty cats with spontaneously arising tumors received oral lomustine at a dose range of 32 to 59 mg/m2 every 21 days. Due to biohazard concerns associated with lomustine capsule reformulation, a standardized 10-mg capsule dosage was used for all cats regardless of body weight. Severe hematological toxicity was infrequent, with the incidence of either grade III or IV neutropenia and thrombocytopenia being 4.1% and 1.0%, respectively. Cats receiving higher cumulative doses of lomustine trended toward a greater likelihood for progressive neutropenia (P=0.07). Two cats with lymphoma, two cats with fibrosarcoma, and one cat with multiple myeloma achieved a measurable partial response to lomustine therapy. Cats treated with higher dosages of lomustine trended toward statistically significant higher response rates (P=0.07).
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July/August 2002
July 01 2002
Hematological Toxicity and Therapeutic Efficacy of Lomustine in 20 Tumor-Bearing Cats: Critical Assessment of a Practical Dosing Regimen
Timothy M. Fan, DVM, Diplomate ACVIM (Internal Medicine Oncology);
Timothy M. Fan, DVM, Diplomate ACVIM (Internal Medicine Oncology)
Department of Veterinary Medicine (Fan, Kitchell, Jones, Hintermeister, Paria), Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, University of Illinois, 1008 West Hazelwood Drive, Urbana, Illinois 61802-4714 and the
All-Care Animal Referral Center (Dhaliwal), 18440 Amistad Street, Fountain Valley, California 92708
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Barbara E. Kitchell, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVIM (Internal Medicine Oncology);
Barbara E. Kitchell, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVIM (Internal Medicine Oncology)
Department of Veterinary Medicine (Fan, Kitchell, Jones, Hintermeister, Paria), Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, University of Illinois, 1008 West Hazelwood Drive, Urbana, Illinois 61802-4714 and the
All-Care Animal Referral Center (Dhaliwal), 18440 Amistad Street, Fountain Valley, California 92708
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Ravinder S. Dhaliwal, DVM, Diplomate ACVIM (Oncology);
Ravinder S. Dhaliwal, DVM, Diplomate ACVIM (Oncology)
Department of Veterinary Medicine (Fan, Kitchell, Jones, Hintermeister, Paria), Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, University of Illinois, 1008 West Hazelwood Drive, Urbana, Illinois 61802-4714 and the
All-Care Animal Referral Center (Dhaliwal), 18440 Amistad Street, Fountain Valley, California 92708
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Pamela D. Jones, DVM;
Pamela D. Jones, DVM
Department of Veterinary Medicine (Fan, Kitchell, Jones, Hintermeister, Paria), Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, University of Illinois, 1008 West Hazelwood Drive, Urbana, Illinois 61802-4714 and the
All-Care Animal Referral Center (Dhaliwal), 18440 Amistad Street, Fountain Valley, California 92708
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John G. Hintermeister, DVM;
John G. Hintermeister, DVM
Department of Veterinary Medicine (Fan, Kitchell, Jones, Hintermeister, Paria), Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, University of Illinois, 1008 West Hazelwood Drive, Urbana, Illinois 61802-4714 and the
All-Care Animal Referral Center (Dhaliwal), 18440 Amistad Street, Fountain Valley, California 92708
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Biman C. Paria, PhD
Biman C. Paria, PhD
Department of Veterinary Medicine (Fan, Kitchell, Jones, Hintermeister, Paria), Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, University of Illinois, 1008 West Hazelwood Drive, Urbana, Illinois 61802-4714 and the
All-Care Animal Referral Center (Dhaliwal), 18440 Amistad Street, Fountain Valley, California 92708
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J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2002) 38 (4): 357–363.
Timothy M. Fan, Barbara E. Kitchell, Ravinder S. Dhaliwal, Pamela D. Jones, John G. Hintermeister, Biman C. Paria; Hematological Toxicity and Therapeutic Efficacy of Lomustine in 20 Tumor-Bearing Cats: Critical Assessment of a Practical Dosing Regimen. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 July 2002; 38 (4): 357–363. doi:
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