A new technique using the carbon dioxide (CO2) laser for the treatment of aural hematomas is described. The laser is used to make an incision into the hematoma to allow for evacuation of the blood, and then multiple, small incisions are made over the surface of the hematoma to stimulate adhesions between the tissue layers. The CO2 laser was used in this fashion to treat 10 aural hematomas in eight dogs. Follow-up ranged from 1 to 23 months. Owners evaluated the cosmetic results following CO2 laser surgery as excellent in three ears, good in five ears, and fair in two ears. Hematomas were resolved in all 10 cases, although two cases developed serosanguineous fluid accumulation that required percutaneous drainage in one case and a second laser procedure in the other case.
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July/August 2002
Soft-Tissue Surgery|
July 01 2002
Evaluation of a Technique Using the Carbon Dioxide Laser for the Treatment of Aural Hematomas
Teresa L. Dye, DVM;
Teresa L. Dye, DVM
Denver Veterinary Specialists, 3695 Kipling Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
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H. Douglas Teague, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVS;
H. Douglas Teague, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVS
Denver Veterinary Specialists, 3695 Kipling Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
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Donald A. Ostwald, Jr., DVM, Diplomate ABVP;
Donald A. Ostwald, Jr., DVM, Diplomate ABVP
Denver Veterinary Specialists, 3695 Kipling Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
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Steven D. Ferreira, DVM
Steven D. Ferreira, DVM
Denver Veterinary Specialists, 3695 Kipling Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
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J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2002) 38 (4): 385–390.
Teresa L. Dye, H. Douglas Teague, Donald A. Ostwald, Steven D. Ferreira; Evaluation of a Technique Using the Carbon Dioxide Laser for the Treatment of Aural Hematomas. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 July 2002; 38 (4): 385–390. doi: https://doi.org/10.5326/0380385
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