Two standard poodles were evaluated for painful, episodic muscle cramps affecting their thoracic and pelvic limbs. Both dogs had been diagnosed with hypoadrenocorticism and were being treated with fludrocortisone acetate and prednisone when evaluated for muscle cramps. However, the muscle cramping started approximately 1 month prior to the diagnosis of hypoadrenocorticism. Findings on general physical examination included lethargy and dehydration. Neurological examination was normal between episodes. Serum biochemical abnormalities included hyperalbuminemia, azotemia, hyponatremia, hypochloremia, and hyperkalemia. Altering treatment to desoxycorticosterone pivalate resolved the electrolyte abnormalities and the episodes of muscle cramping in both dogs. The authors conclude that hypoadrenocorticism can be associated with episodes of painful muscle cramping in standard poodles.

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