Thirteen dogs with prostatic abscesses and cysts were treated using percutaneous ultrasound-guided drainage. Eight dogs were diagnosed with prostatic abscesses and five with cysts on the basis of cytopathological examination and bacterial culture of the prostatic fluid. Antibiotic therapy, based on culture and sensitivity results, was administered for a minimum of 4 weeks. Intact dogs were castrated after initial drainage. Repeat ultrasonography of the prostate was performed every 1 to 6 weeks, and any residual cavitary lesions were drained and fluid analysis repeated. The median number of drainage procedures required to completely resolve the lesions was two (range, one to four). No complications were observed after drainage, and clinical signs resolved in all dogs. None of the dogs developed clinical signs of recurrent abscesses or cysts in the follow-up period (median, 36 months; range, 10 to 50 months). Ultrasound-guided, percutaneous drainage of prostatic abscesses and cysts appears to be a useful alternative to surgical treatment in select dogs.

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