Fracture stabilization using circular external skeletal fixation was evaluated in 14 dogs with antebrachial fractures and 11 dogs with crural fractures. Most dogs were consistently weight bearing on the stabilized limb by 3 days following surgery. Although all dogs developed minor wire/pin tract inflammation and eight dogs developed major wire/pin tract inflammation, postoperative lameness was not consistently associated with wire/pin tract complications. Fractures in 23 dogs achieved radiographic union (mean±standard deviation [SD], 61±21 days; median, 57 days) without additional surgery; two dogs required restabilization of their fractures with linear fixators. Twenty of the 21 owners that could be contacted felt their dog had no (n=15) or only a mild (n=5) intermittent lameness at the time of final, long-term (mean±SD, 37±17 months; median, 42 months) assessment.

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