A carbon dioxide laser was used to incise around, dissect, and remove a 2-cm intradermal mass from the left carpus of an 8-year-old, spayed female wheaten terrier. The wound was partially closed, resulting in a 3-cm diameter circular defect with extensor tendons exposed. A swine intestinal submucosa graft was utilized to cover the remaining defect. The graft was removed 5 days later, revealing a healthy granulation tissue bed covering previously exposed tendons with minimal wound margin retraction. The remaining wound was allowed to heal by contraction and epithelialization that was complete by 5 weeks postoperatively. The mass, a pilomatricoma, had not recurred at the last follow-up contact 18 months after surgery. Pilomatricoma, laser application, swine intestinal submucosa grafting, and postoperative wound management are discussed.
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September/October 2003
Soft-Tissue Surgery|
September 01 2003
Carbon Dioxide Laser Resection of a Distal Carpal Pilomatricoma and Wound Closure Using Swine Intestinal Submucosa in a Dog
Timothy L. Holt, DVM;
Timothy L. Holt, DVM
Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, University of Missouri-Columbia, 379 East Campus Drive, Columbia, Missouri 65211
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F. A. Mann, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVS, Diplomate ACVECC
F. A. Mann, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVS, Diplomate ACVECC
Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, University of Missouri-Columbia, 379 East Campus Drive, Columbia, Missouri 65211
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J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2003) 39 (5): 499–505.
Timothy L. Holt, F. A. Mann; Carbon Dioxide Laser Resection of a Distal Carpal Pilomatricoma and Wound Closure Using Swine Intestinal Submucosa in a Dog. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 September 2003; 39 (5): 499–505. doi: https://doi.org/10.5326/0390499
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