Dear Editor,
We have read with great interest the article of Austin B, et al., titled Laparoscopic Ovariohysterectomy in Nine Dogs (
J Am Anim Hosp Assoc2003;39:391–396
). The authors measured pre- and postoperative creatine kinase (CK) blood level to determine if CK activity could be used as an appropriate indicator of surgical stress in the dog. Based on the results of their study, they conclude that CK is not a predictable indicator of surgical stress. We do not agree with this opinion.
The authors have done only two blood samples (before induction and 12 hours after surgery) to determine serum CK activity. The protocol for blood sampling should have been designed to obtain a complete profile of CK plasma activity before, during, and after surgery to allow an accurate estimation of the Area under the Curve (AUC). This indicator is indeed much...
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