Obesity is considered one of the most common forms of malnutrition occurring in dogs. Laboratory methods of evaluation of body composition in live dogs have included dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) and deuterium oxide (D2O) dilution. Clinical methods of evaluation include assigning a body condition score (BCS) based on visual observation, palpation, and morphometric measurements. This study used these four methods to evaluate 23 healthy, adult, client-owned dogs. Good correlation (coefficient of determination [r2]=0.78) was found between measurements of percent body fat (%BF) determined by the D2O dilution method and the DEXA scan. Percent body fat can also be estimated using BCS (r2=0.92 comparison with DEXA) or by using morphometric measurements with simple calculations (r2=0.92 comparison with DEXA).

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