This paper describes in detail an aggressive rostral maxillectomy procedure in one cat and six dogs, and the postoperative complications and outcomes are reported. The surgeries were performed to attempt complete excision of large and extensive rostral maxillary fibrosarcomas (n=4), squamous cell carcinomas (n=2), or poorly differentiated mesenchymal neoplasia (n=1). The surgeries involved transection of the maxilla at the level of premolar (PM)1 and PM2 in a cat and two dogs, and between PM2 and PM3 in four dogs. There were no intraoperative complications. Complete margins of resection were obtained in all cases. The postoperative appearance was acceptable to owners. Local recurrence was only observed in one dog (10 months after surgery) during a follow-up period of 11 to 66 months (median, 21.5 months).

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