In reviewing the letter from the ACVM Committee, we appreciate their comments and their general support of the AAHA Canine Vaccine Guidelines. Three ACVM Diplomates participated in the AAHA Task Force, and their contributions were invaluable.

We note that the ACVM review committee supports the concept of individualized vaccine recommendations based on risk and exposure factors, as well as the opinion of the veterinarian charged with making a recommendation to the pet owner. The committee also supports the classification of various antigens into 1) core or recommended, 2) non-core or optional, and 3) not generally recommended. These classifications should be interpreted and applied to each animal based on risk of exposure and probable benefit of vaccination for the animal.

We are not in disagreement regarding the administration of products designed to protect against diseases with limited or regional distribution. Leptospirosis and Borrellia burgdorferii may well warrant vaccination, but only with...

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