Closure with a simple continuous pattern using absorbable suture was evaluated in 18 cats that underwent perineal urethrostomy from 2000 to 2002. The perineal urethrostomy was performed in a similar manner in all the cats, and either 4-0 or 5-0 polydioxanone was used for closure. Cats were evaluated 2 weeks postoperatively, and long-term follow-up information was reviewed. In all cats, the perineal urethrostomy site was healed within 2 weeks. None of the cats developed a stricture postoperatively. Complications were not significantly different (P>0.50) from those found in a comparison group of 21 cats operated between 1997 and 2002, in which perineal urethrostomies were performed using nonabsorbable sutures that were removed postoperatively.

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