In 2005, AAHA’s Canine Vaccine Task Force met to reexamine and revise guidelines on the use of vaccines in dogs. The results of the Task Force’s work are summarized and tabulated in this article and are published in their entirety on the AAHA website ( The 2006 AAHA Canine Vaccine Guidelines contain information on new technological developments in vaccines, an introduction to conditionally licensed vaccines, and detailed recommendations on the use of available vaccines. Perhaps the most noteworthy addition to the guidelines is a separate set of recommendations created for shelter facilities. Vaccines are classified as core (universally recommended), noncore (optional), or not recommended. The Task Force recognizes that vaccination decisions must always be made on an individual basis, based on risk and lifestyle factors.
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March/April 2006
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March 01 2006
2006 AAHA Canine Vaccine Guidelines
Leland E. Carmichael, DVM, PhD Diplomate ACVM;
Leland E. Carmichael, DVM, PhD Diplomate ACVM
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Henry Childers, DVM Diplomate ABVP;
Henry Childers, DVM Diplomate ABVP
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Susan Cotter, DVM Diplomate ACVIM;
Susan Cotter, DVM Diplomate ACVIM
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Autumn Davidson, DVM Diplomate ACVIM;
Autumn Davidson, DVM Diplomate ACVIM
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Richard Ford, DVM Diplomate ACVIM;
Richard Ford, DVM Diplomate ACVIM
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James A. Roth, DVM, PhD Diplomate ACVM;
James A. Roth, DVM, PhD Diplomate ACVM
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Ronald D. Schultz, PhD Diplomate ACVM;
Ronald D. Schultz, PhD Diplomate ACVM
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Eileen Thacker, DVM Diplomate ACVM;
Eileen Thacker, DVM Diplomate ACVM
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Link Welborn, DVM Diplomate ABVP
Link Welborn, DVM Diplomate ABVP
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J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2006) 42 (2): 80–89.
Michael A. Paul, Leland E. Carmichael, Henry Childers, Susan Cotter, Autumn Davidson, Richard Ford, Kate F. Hurley, James A. Roth, Ronald D. Schultz, Eileen Thacker, Link Welborn; 2006 AAHA Canine Vaccine Guidelines. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 March 2006; 42 (2): 80–89. doi:
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