To assess the efficacy and safety of a combined cabergoline and cloprostenol protocol to terminate third-quarter pregnancy, 22 pregnant bitches that ranged from 35 to 45 days after mating were randomly assigned to a treatment group (n=13) or to an untreated control group (n=9). The animals were monitored for 12 days, and pregnancy termination was confirmed by ultrasound examination. Twelve of the 13 treated bitches aborted within 9 days of the initiation of treatment (mean 4.6 days). Only mild side effects were observed. The control animals had normal gestational courses, as did the bitch that did not respond to the therapy. This combination of drugs appeared to be a practical, safe, and efficient abortifacient when used in third-quarter pregnancies.
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September/October 2006
September 01 2006
A Combination of Oral Cabergoline and Double Cloprostenol Injections to Produce Third-Quarter Gestation Termination in the Bitch
Yanina Corrada, DVM;
Yanina Corrada, DVM
Imaging Diagnosis Service (Corrada, Rodríguez, Tortora, Arias) and Small Animal Clinic (Gobello), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, National University of La Plata, La Plata, Argentina
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Raúl Rodríguez, MV;
Raúl Rodríguez, MV
Imaging Diagnosis Service (Corrada, Rodríguez, Tortora, Arias) and Small Animal Clinic (Gobello), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, National University of La Plata, La Plata, Argentina
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Mariana Tortora, MV;
Mariana Tortora, MV
Imaging Diagnosis Service (Corrada, Rodríguez, Tortora, Arias) and Small Animal Clinic (Gobello), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, National University of La Plata, La Plata, Argentina
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Daniel Arias, MV;
Daniel Arias, MV
Imaging Diagnosis Service (Corrada, Rodríguez, Tortora, Arias) and Small Animal Clinic (Gobello), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, National University of La Plata, La Plata, Argentina
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Cristina Gobello, DVM, Diplomate ECAR
Cristina Gobello, DVM, Diplomate ECAR
Imaging Diagnosis Service (Corrada, Rodríguez, Tortora, Arias) and Small Animal Clinic (Gobello), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, National University of La Plata, La Plata, Argentina
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J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2006) 42 (5): 366–370.
Yanina Corrada, Raúl Rodríguez, Mariana Tortora, Daniel Arias, Cristina Gobello; A Combination of Oral Cabergoline and Double Cloprostenol Injections to Produce Third-Quarter Gestation Termination in the Bitch. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 September 2006; 42 (5): 366–370. doi:
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