An 11-year-old, male Old English sheepdog was admitted for weight loss and intermittent vomiting of 1 month’s duration. A cranioventral abdominal mass, anemia, hypoproteinemia, and hypoalbuminemia were the prominent abnormal findings. Imaging studies identified a remarkably thickened gastric wall with multilobulated folds protruding into the gastric lumen. Gastrotomy revealed the presence of giant cerebriform rugal folds arising from the fundus and body of the stomach. Pronounced gastric glandular hyperplasia and lack of evidence of cellular atypia were suggestive of giant hypertrophic gastritis. The dog was treated with prednisolone, cimetidine, and hyoscine butylbromide, only to experience a short-term remission.
Copyright 2007 by The American Animal Hospital Association
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