In this retrospective study of 42 cases of lingual tumors in dogs, 27 (64%) were malignant, and 15 (36%) were benign. Median survival time for dogs with benign tumors was >1607 days, compared to 286 days for malignant tumors. Prognostic factors significantly associated with increased survival included complete histological margins (P=0.036), smaller tumor size (P=0.003), and benign tumor type (P=0.011). Smaller tumors were more likely to be completely resected (P=0.008) and were less likely to recur (P=0.001). Partial or subtotal glossectomies were performed in 13 cases. Short-term morbidity associated with glossectomy included ptyalism and dehiscence. Long-term morbidity included minor changes in eating and drinking habits.
Copyright 2008 by The American Animal Hospital Association
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