A 9-year-old, castrated male, domestic longhaired cat was evaluated for persistent regurgitation over the previous month. The cat had presented 9 months earlier and was diagnosed with esophageal obstruction secondary to a trichobezoar. The trichobezoar had been removed endoscopically, and the cat was subsequently fed a canned prescription diet. The owners noted only infrequent regurgitation over the following 9 months. After signs recurred, contrast radiography with fluoroscopy revealed an esophageal diverticulum at the thoracic inlet, with an ovoid filling defect. Decreased esophageal motility was noted distal to the diverticulum. Esophagoscopy confirmed the presence of a trichobezoar within an esophageal diverticulum. Following removal of the trichobezoar and therapy to prevent trichobezoar formation, the cat did well for 2 months until it died suddenly with signs of hyperventilation and open-mouth breathing.

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