The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of combined local anesthesia in dogs undergoing nictitating membrane (NM)-to-superotemporal bulbar conjunctiva flap construction. Medical records of 47 dogs that had received local anesthesia for NM-to-superotemporal bulbar conjunctiva flap were reviewed. Combined local anesthetic technique included auriculopalpebral nerve block, topical anesthesia of the eye, and infiltration anesthesia of the superotemporal bulbar conjunctiva and palpebral surface of the NM. Forty-two (89.3%) dogs complied with the anesthetic procedures and underwent NM flap without general anesthesia or sedation. No complications were related to the combined local anesthesia. Combined local anesthesia for NM-to-superotemporal bulbar conjunctiva flap may be a time- and cost-effective method that produces both analgesia of the surgical site and akinesia of the eyelid.

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