A 13-year-old, spayed female golden retriever was referred for further evaluation of ascites, characterized as a modified transudate, detected after an episode of acute collapse. Prior to referral, the dog was treated for suspected right-sided heart failure and developed ventricular tachycardia. On referral, echocardiography ruled out cardiac causes for the effusion, and following stabilization the dog was taken to surgery for abdominal exploration. Surgery revealed entrapment of the left lateral liver lobe within the falciform ligament. Surgical removal of the entrapped liver lobe and falciform fat resulted in resolution of the Budd-Chiari-like syndrome. No abdominal effusion was seen on follow-up ultrasound examination. This is the first reported case of Budd-Chiari-like syndrome caused by liver lobe entrapment within falciform fat that was successfully corrected with surgery.

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