The purpose of this paper is to describe the signalment, clinical signs, laboratory results, culture results, and response to treatment for primary septic peritonitis in cats. This is a retrospective study of 12 client-owned animals. Medical records were reviewed for clinical findings, laboratory results, microbial culture results, radiographic findings, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome. The overall mortality rate for this group of cats was 31%, consistent with previous reports of septic peritonitis in cats. All cats that were both bradycardic and hypothermic on presentation did not survive. Other clinicopathological findings were consistent with previously reported cases of septic peritonitis in cats. Results suggest that clinicopathological findings and outcomes in cats with primary septic peritonitis are similar to those in cats with septic peritonitis from a determined cause. A specific mechanism of inoculation has yet to be determined, but an oral source of bacteria is suggested for cats with primary bacterial septic peritonitis.
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November/December 2009
Soft Tissue Surgery|
November 01 2009
Primary Bacterial Septic Peritonitis in Cats: 13 Cases
Cassandra M. Ruthrauff, DVM;
Cassandra M. Ruthrauff, DVM
Veterinary Surgical Associates, 1410 Monument Boulevard, Suite 100, Concord, California 94520
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Julie Smith, DVM, Diplomate ACVS;
Julie Smith, DVM, Diplomate ACVS
Veterinary Surgical Associates, 1410 Monument Boulevard, Suite 100, Concord, California 94520
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Leigh Glerum, DVM, Diplomate ACVS
Leigh Glerum, DVM, Diplomate ACVS
Veterinary Surgical Associates, 1410 Monument Boulevard, Suite 100, Concord, California 94520
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J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2009) 45 (6): 268–276.
Cassandra M. Ruthrauff, Julie Smith, Leigh Glerum; Primary Bacterial Septic Peritonitis in Cats: 13 Cases. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 November 2009; 45 (6): 268–276. doi:
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