An 11-year-old, 18-kg, neutered male standard schnauzer was presented for evaluation of recurrent otitis externa with para-aural swelling and fistulation of the right external ear canal of 6 months’ duration. Otoscopic examination was impossible because of the severe stenosis of the ear canal. Right para-aural ultrasound examination and ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of a mass-like lesion were performed. Cytology was suggestive of a follicular cyst. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed severe ear canal stenosis with a heterogeneous mass in the horizontal portion of the ear canal and associated otitis media. Total ear canal ablation with lateral bulla osteotomy was performed. Histopathological diagnosis was chronic otitis externa associated with multiple follicular cysts confined to the ear canal. Surgical treatment proved curative. This is the first report of multiple follicular cysts originating from the ear canal in a dog.

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