A 10-month-old, male German shepherd dog experienced inadvertent prostatectomy during cryptorchidectomy. Cystourethral anastomosis was performed 1 day later. The dog developed stranguria and incontinence. A proximal urethral stricture was diagnosed with a contrast urethrogram 5 weeks later. Urethral augmentation with an onlay graft of porcine small intestinal submucosa was performed. Urinary diversion was accomplished with a urethral catheter followed by a cystostomy tube. The stricture recurred over the next 6 weeks. Three urethral balloon dilatations were performed 3 days apart, with the third attempt resulting in expansion of the stricture. Twenty-two months postdilatation, the dog intermittently urinated with a steady stream and had mild to moderate urinary incontinence.

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