This study compared the collateral tissue damage and incisional bridging with granulation tissue via histopathological examination following feline onychectomy performed by radiofrequency (RF) and carbon dioxide (CO2) laser. Two cats were euthanized, and their digits were harvested for histopathological evaluation on days 1, 3, and 7 post-onychectomy. Each digit was evaluated for total lesion width, total necrosis width, and degree of edema, hemorrhage, and inflammation. This study found few significant differences in collateral tissue damage between RF and CO2 laser, but more incisional bridging by granulation tissue was noted with RF for feline onychectomies. These results indicate that RF for feline onychectomy is a reasonable alternative to CO2 laser in regard to collateral tissue damage and bridging of the incision by granulation tissue. In addition, RF is not accompanied by the strict safety considerations and initial expense of acquisition of a CO2 laser.

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