A 1-year-old, intact female, domestic shorthaired cat was presented for dysuria resulting from perineal scarring subsequent to injuries incurred during a cat fight. A prepubic urethrostomy was performed to manage the dysuria. Eleven months later, the cat was re-presented with a 3-day history of pyrexia and inappetence. A pinpoint opening extending 0.5 cm ventral to the anus on midline, exuding a clear discharge, was noted in the perineal region. A contrast fistulogram was performed, and a vaginoperineal fistula was diagnosed. The fistulous tract was a result of vulvar stricture from the trauma of the cat fight. A vaginoplasty was performed to create an opening for vaginal secretions. This is the first published report of a prepubic urethrostomy performed in a female cat.

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