The endoscope was first developed over 200 yr ago. Endoscopy has since been applied to many disciplines of medicine. Its application to the nervous system was initially slow and not widely accepted and mainly involved the biopsy of tumors and the treatment of hydrocephalus. Several reasons for neuroendoscopy's limited use include inadequate endoscope technology, high skill level required, the advent of the surgical microscope, and the development of other treatments such as ventricular shunting. Over the past 50 yr, improvements in optical glass lenses, fiber optics, and electrical circuitry has led to better equipment and a revival of neuroendoscopy. Neuroendoscopy is now used in many diseases in human medicine including hydrocephalus, neoplasia, and intracranial cysts. This review presents the history of neuroendoscopy, the equipment and technology used, and the possible translation of techniques currently used in human medicine to veterinary medicine.
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March/April 2011
March 01 2011
A Review of Neuroendoscopy and Potential Applications in Veterinary Medicine
Michael Higginbotham, DVM;
Central Texas Veterinary Neurology, Round Rock, TX (M.H.); and Veterinary Neurological Center, Las Vegas, NV (D.L).
Correspondence: [email protected] (M.H.)
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Donald Levesque, DVM, DACVIM (Neurology)
Donald Levesque, DVM, DACVIM (Neurology)
Central Texas Veterinary Neurology, Round Rock, TX (M.H.); and Veterinary Neurological Center, Las Vegas, NV (D.L).
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J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2011) 47 (2): 73–82.
Michael Higginbotham, Donald Levesque; A Review of Neuroendoscopy and Potential Applications in Veterinary Medicine. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 March 2011; 47 (2): 73–82. doi:
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