The objective of this retrospective study was to compare vascularized free or roll-in ulnar bone grafts for limb-sparing surgery in dogs with radial osteosarcoma with the cortical allograft, metal endoprosthesis, or distraction osteogenesis techniques. Overall, the ulnar graft techniques used in this study demonstrated excellent healing properties. Complications included recurrence of the tumor in 25% (2/8) of the dogs, metastasis in 50% (4/8) of the dogs, implant loosening in 37.5% (3/8) of the dogs, implant failure in 12.5% (1/8) of the dogs, and infection in 62.5% (5/8) of the dogs. Mean survival time was 29.3 mo (range, 9 to 61 mo). The mean metastasis-free interval was 33.67 mo (range, 8 to 54 mo). Tumors recurred locally in two dogs at 10 mo and 20 mo postoperatively. This study yielded similar long-term complications as other limb-sparing options (such as cortical allografts and metal endoprostheses) and allowed dogs to bear weight on the operated limb with acceptable limb function. More research is needed regarding specific healing times for ulnar vascularized grafts, time until implant removal, and the extent of radial bone that could ultimately be replaced by the ulna.
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March/April 2011
Retrospective Studies|
March 01 2011
Vascularized Ulnar Bone Grafts for Limb-Sparing Surgery for the Treatment of Distal Radial OsteosarcomaS
Susan C. Hodge, DVM;
Tennessee Avenue Animal Hospital, Cincinnati, OH (S.H.); Michigan Veterinary Specialists, Southfield, MI (D.D.); The Animal Cancer & Imaging Center, Canton, MI (R.W.); and Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists & Emergency Hospital, Port Washington, WI (B.T.).
Correspondence: [email protected] (S.H.)
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Daniel Degner, DVM, DACVS;
Daniel Degner, DVM, DACVS
Tennessee Avenue Animal Hospital, Cincinnati, OH (S.H.); Michigan Veterinary Specialists, Southfield, MI (D.D.); The Animal Cancer & Imaging Center, Canton, MI (R.W.); and Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists & Emergency Hospital, Port Washington, WI (B.T.).
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Richard Walshaw, BVMS, DACVS;
Richard Walshaw, BVMS, DACVS
Tennessee Avenue Animal Hospital, Cincinnati, OH (S.H.); Michigan Veterinary Specialists, Southfield, MI (D.D.); The Animal Cancer & Imaging Center, Canton, MI (R.W.); and Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists & Emergency Hospital, Port Washington, WI (B.T.).
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Brian Teunissen, DVM, DACVS
Brian Teunissen, DVM, DACVS
Tennessee Avenue Animal Hospital, Cincinnati, OH (S.H.); Michigan Veterinary Specialists, Southfield, MI (D.D.); The Animal Cancer & Imaging Center, Canton, MI (R.W.); and Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists & Emergency Hospital, Port Washington, WI (B.T.).
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J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2011) 47 (2): 98–111.
Susan C. Hodge, Daniel Degner, Richard Walshaw, Brian Teunissen; Vascularized Ulnar Bone Grafts for Limb-Sparing Surgery for the Treatment of Distal Radial Osteosarcoma. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 March 2011; 47 (2): 98–111. doi:
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