A 7 yr old, neutered female vizsla underwent an exploratory thoracotomy after diagnosis of recurrent hemorrhagic pericardial effusion and a right auricular mass. Staging tests were negative for metastasis. The patient underwent a right, fourth intercostal thoracotomy, subtotal pericardectomy, right auricular mass excision, and pericardial free patch graft. The patient experienced blood loss during surgery, which required a packed red blood cell transfusion. The patient experienced transient arrhythmias postoperatively, but was discharged from the hospital 48 hr later. Histopathologic diagnosis of the mass was hemangiosarcoma. The patient was treated with carboplatin single-agent chemotherapy and palliative radiation therapy. The patient died at home, presumably from metastatic disease 260 days postoperatively. Surgical mass removal or debulking along with pericardial free patch grafting may be considered as palliative treatment options for dogs diagnosed with right auricular masses. In this case report, other techniques failed to repair the defect in the heart and a free patch graft offered a good rescue procedure with a favorable outcome without the need for inflow and outflow occlusion when used in conjunction with adjunctive therapies.
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May/June 2011
Case Reports|
May 01 2011
Pericardial Free Patch Grafting as a Rescue Technique in Surgical Management of Right Atrial HSA
Michelle Morges, DVM;
Michelle Morges, DVM
VCA Veterinary Specialists of Northern Colorado, Loveland, CO (M.M.); and Animal Cancer Center, Fort Collins, CO (D.W., S.W., E.M.).
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Deanna R. Worley, DVM;
VCA Veterinary Specialists of Northern Colorado, Loveland, CO (M.M.); and Animal Cancer Center, Fort Collins, CO (D.W., S.W., E.M.).
Correspondence: [email protected] (D.W.)
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Stephen J. Withrow, DVM;
Stephen J. Withrow, DVM
VCA Veterinary Specialists of Northern Colorado, Loveland, CO (M.M.); and Animal Cancer Center, Fort Collins, CO (D.W., S.W., E.M.).
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Eric Monnet, DVM, PhD
Eric Monnet, DVM, PhD
VCA Veterinary Specialists of Northern Colorado, Loveland, CO (M.M.); and Animal Cancer Center, Fort Collins, CO (D.W., S.W., E.M.).
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J Am Anim Hosp Assoc (2011) 47 (3): 224–228.
Michelle Morges, Deanna R. Worley, Stephen J. Withrow, Eric Monnet; Pericardial Free Patch Grafting as a Rescue Technique in Surgical Management of Right Atrial HSA. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 May 2011; 47 (3): 224–228. doi: https://doi.org/10.5326/JAAHA-MS-5628
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