The previous versions of the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) Canine Vaccine Guidelines, published in 2003 and 2006, and updated in 2007, represented a collaborative effort by academicians, private practitioners, and industry to facilitate efforts of veterinarians in the United States (US) and Canada in making decisions regarding the selection and use of canine vaccines. Vaccination guidelines for shelter-housed dogs were also included in 2006. Since that time, new canine vaccines have been licensed, others have been withdrawn, and new information on existing vaccines has led to the revision of current recommendations. The 2011 AAHA Canine Vaccination Guidelines offer a comprehensive review of canine vaccines currently available in North America, updated recommendations on administration of core versus noncore vaccines, and revised recommendations for vaccination of shelter-housed dogs. Also included are updated recommendations on serologic testing as a means of documenting and monitoring immune responses to vaccines, an expanded discussion on...

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