Ingestion of Lilium or Hemerocallis spp. by cats can result in renal failure. The objectives of this study were to determine the foreknowledge of lily toxicity of owners of cats that were exposed to lilies and to obtain historical, clinical and outcome information on the exposures. A survey was done of cat owners reporting indoor exposures to lilies to the Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) during April 2009. Forty eight individuals, (57 cats) were included. Sixty nine percent of cat owners said they could recognize a lily and 27% knew that lilies were toxic prior to their cats’ exposures. Most lilies were obtained from grocery or other stores, and were purchased by the owners or as gifts to the cat owners. Owners who were unaware of lily toxicity frequently left the flowers where the cats had access to them, whereas in households where the toxicity was known the cats actively sought out the flowers. Of the cats in this study 93% received prompt veterinary care, and 87% either developed no signs or had brief signs that resolved. Five percent had evidence of renal insufficiency at final follow-up and another 5 percent of cats were euthanized due to renal failure.

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