An intradermal allergy test (IDT) is an important diagnostic tool for identifying offending allergens in canine atopic dermatitis. No standardized method of scoring an IDT has been described. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a correlation between a conventional, subjective IDT scoring method based on perceived wheal diameter, erythema, and turgor (0–4+) and an objective scoring method based on measuring wheal diameter alone. Thirty-four atopic dogs were skin tested with 68 different allergens. All skin tests were performed according to standard procedures, and any IDT score ≥2+ was considered clinically significant. When the subjective IDT scores were compared with the objective IDT scores in all dogs, there was a moderate level of correlation overall (r=0.457; P <0.0001). The highest level of agreement between subjective and objective scores was noted with the reactions assigned subjective scores of “0” and “2+.” Overall, there was a slight level of agreement between subjective and objective scores based on clinical significance (i.e., subjective scores ≥2+; κ=0.20; P <0.0001). In conclusion, the authors believe that the objective scoring method used in this study may provide a point of reference for inexperienced individuals (dermatology residents, veterinarians, technicians) when learning to grade an IDT.

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